Over the past two years Sam, mother to Sofia-Stevie (aged 5), has endured the tremendously steep learning curve any parent of a child with type 1 diabetes has to undergo. A whirlwind of finger prick tests, injections and sensors later, she has now discovered the CamAPS FX app and the hybrid closed-loop system and would not be without it.
In a hot summer excessive thirst wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary for a young child. However, Sam and her mum followed their intuition that it could be something more and began to research if there was any cause for concern, which ultimately led to Sofia-Stevie’s diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.
“The diagnosis changed everything forever, I can remember the first few weeks like it was yesterday. Almost overnight I felt like I needed to be an expert in diabetes to best care for my little girl. She is my absolute priority, so I just did it, and I feel really proud of myself and my mum for doing it – she’s been on this journey with us from the beginning.”
Like most parents with a newly diagnosed child with type 1 diabetes Sam quickly became an expert at finger prick tests, basal and bolus insulin dosing and what to do when her daughter was hypoglycaemic. Injecting your child would be a challenge for any parent, but particularly for Sam as she also had to overcome a fear of needles.
“The clinical team at Addenbrooke’s Hospital were amazing at helping me overcome some big challenges in those early days, especially Adam Dawes, Clinical Nurse Specialist at the hospital. I don’t think we’d be where we are today without the support of Adam and the clinical team.”
In the first few months of Sofia-Stevie’s diagnosis finger prick tests were a regular occurrence to understand blood glucose levels through the day. Sam also had to set alarms at night so she could check her daughter’s blood glucose levels. If Sofia-Stevie’s levels were high or low, Sam would have to administer a corrective dose and then wait until her levels were moving in the right direction before going back to sleep, an exhausting process for both every single night.
Eventually Sofia-Stevie received a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to support her care. A CGM is a small device with a sensor worn just under the skin to measure glucose levels continuously. Sam saw the CGM as a step in the right direction, particularly as the device meant she no longer had to set alarms at night – the device would alert her if Sofia-Stevie’s glucose levels were out of range automatically. The CGM also syncs with Sam’s phone so she can check Sofia-Stevie’s blood glucose levels at school and it also helps teachers with care through the day.
But in January 2020 Sam was introduced to the CamAPS FX app and hasn’t looked back since.
The CamAPS FX app was developed to mimic the key functions of a healthy pancreas, a so-called hybrid closed-loop approach to treatment. The app communicates autonomously with a patient’s CGM and insulin pump and uses a complex algorithm to automatically calculate and administer the optimal dose of insulin every 8-12 minutes.
“I’d never heard of the hybrid closed-loop system, or the CamAPS FX app before. I didn’t know how it worked but when Adam suggested it might be a benefit to us we jumped in with both feet. At that point I’d learnt so much about diabetes, learning about the hybrid closed-loop felt like a walk in the park.”
“I have full trust in the CamAPS FX app and I feel like for the first time since the diagnosis I can relax. Without a doubt, the time Sofia-Stevie spends within her target blood glucose range has improved. It is so much easier to control her levels now and is a complete weight off my shoulders. It is also less of a burden for her teachers and much less worry for me. I can check on her remotely if I want to but also have the reassurance of receiving automated text messages if she’s going high or low.”
“You wouldn’t know that she is any different from any of her classmates and that is thanks to the CamAPS FX app.”
Sam isn’t alone in her observations about the change the CamAPS FX app has had on her and her daughter. Research has shown that the app improves adolescents’ sleep and provides a sense of waking up feeling normal, which facilitates improved diabetes control during the day, aiding concentration and well-being in school. In addition, parents of children using the app have been shown to feel less anxious about their child’s diabetes, and as a result better able to give their children greater freedom, like being able to play with friends, go on school trips and attend sleepovers.
“It makes so much sense for children of Sofia-Stevie’s age to have the closed-loop, because their bodies are constantly changing how they respond to insulin. It is an extremely difficult ask for a parent to keep on top of that without significant highs and lows, whereas the app learns and adapts instantly. It is beneficial for the child’s long-term management of the condition and freedom for the parents so they can sleep at night.”
“I would never be without the app. It is something looking out for you so you don’t have to worry. To anyone considering it, just go for it. It is a game changer and you won’t look back or want to be without it once you’ve had it. I completely believe it is so beneficial for both the parents and the child.”
CamAPS FX is an app to manage glucose levels in people with type 1 diabetes using an advanced adaptive hybrid closed-loop approach.
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