Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as an adult, retired headteacher Roger, aged 69, has spent the last 39 years in pursuit of a greater understanding of his condition. He has experienced first-hand the transformation in diabetes care during this time, from glass syringes and thick needles sterilised in a saucepan of boiling water to the CamAPS FX app and the hybrid closed-loop system, which he now would not be without.
Today type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed in childhood, but for Roger it wasn’t until he was 30 that his symptoms became apparent. Both Roger’s uncle and mother-in-law had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes previously, so he was already familiar with the symptoms.
“I remember vividly I’d just had my breakfast and was out in the garden doing a few jobs. I came back inside and was extremely thirsty. I downed a pint of squash in one go and my wife and I looked at each other and at the same time said ‘diabetes’. My GP took some convincing, but I was referred for tests and they confirmed I was diabetic.”
“At the time knowledge and treatment of diabetes was very limited compared to now. I was simply given some glass syringes, told how to sterilise the needles in boiling water with a saucepan and given a target amount of insulin. Fortunately, my mother-in-law lent me her British Diabetic Association handbook and I can remember sitting in our kitchen with my wife holding open the pages of the book while I taught myself how to do the injections.”
During these initial years Roger benefitted greatly from the British Diabetic Association’s (now known as Diabetes UK) resources, for example learning about the need to administer more insulin when he was ill which he hadn’t previously been aware of. Roger was managing his condition well but then his glucose levels became more challenging and so he was referred onto the DAFNE (dose adjustment for normal eating) course to learn about matching his insulin to his diet and lifestyle. However, Roger was still experiencing severe hypoglycaemic events.
“I was looking after my Grandson and playing football with him in the garden. My son-in-law came to pick him up and suddenly said, ‘Roger you need to go get yourself a juice.’ Sure enough, I did a finger prick test and was at about 2 mmol/l, so well below where it should be. I was meant to be looking after my Grandson the following day but they made other arrangements. They didn’t think I was well enough to look after him and that devastated me and I knew enough was enough.”
After sharing this story with Roger’s consultant, he was referred onto a research project investigating unexplained hypoglycaemic events and was started on an insulin pump. Immediately the pump helped improve Roger’s glucose levels.
Having benefitted so much from the first research project, when Roger was offered a chance to take part in another research project he jumped at the chance and started on the CamAPS FX app in October 2019.
The CamAPS FX app was developed to mimic the key functions of a healthy pancreas, a so-called hybrid closed-loop approach to treatment. The app communicates autonomously with a patient’s continuous glucose monitor and insulin pump and uses a complex algorithm to automatically calculate and administer the optimal dose of insulin every 8-12 minutes.
“Admittedly I hadn’t heard of the hybrid closed-loop system before, but when my two children heard I’d be managing my diabetes from a smartphone they laughed their heads off! Prior to the research the extent of my knowledge of using a phone was switching it on, making a call and switching it back off, but actually with some support from the very knowledgeable clinical team at Addenbrooke’s Hospital I got on really quite well with the smartphone and the CamAPS FX app. Its ability to just control and treat your diabetes is just tremendous and very liberating.”
Since starting on the CamAPS FX app Roger has reduced his bolus insulin and seen a reduction in the amount of insulin required each day. But Roger has seen other benefits too.
“Now when we go out for meals all I need do is take out my smartphone, enter the carbohydrate count and away it goes. I can see my levels instantly and can do everything I need to do on the phone. Before I had the app I needed to carry around with me needles and insulin and would go to the toilets to do a finger prick test and injections as needed. That’s all taken care of now with complete discretion.”
“Another time we benefitted from the app was at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when I’d taken a real bad turn. I was thinking the worst, but the app was providing a continuous reading of my blood glucose levels which was a great reassurance. At one point I fell asleep and my wife was worried I may be going into a diabetic coma, but she quietly checked my blood glucose levels on my phone while I slept and could see all was well. The app provides peace of mind which is a benefit both to mine and my wife’s quality of life.”
The feeling of reassurance and discretion isn’t something that just Roger and his wife have experienced. Research has shown that the CamAPS FX app helps people feel less burdened by their diabetes and more able to lead flexible and spontaneous lives.
Individuals also credited the app for acting as a safety net and having a level of responsiveness which extended beyond their own capabilities. Although users are still able to override the app should they wish to ease off or boost therapy because of physiological demands such as exercise or illness.
“It is amazing how much treatment has changed since I was diagnosed, I really feel like I’ve come from the desert into the digital world. To anyone considering the CamAPS FX app my advice is quite simple, go for it. It really is transformational and if I can do it anyone can.”
CamAPS FX is an app to manage glucose levels in people with type 1 diabetes using an advanced adaptive hybrid closed-loop approach.
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